Thursday, August 7, 2008

Say What?

I had a very large, rotund gentleman motor up to my counter yesterday in one of those itty-bitty scooter chairs the store provides for those who have difficulty ambulating around the store and ask the following:

"Where's the Ecstasy at? Or did I miss it?"

Now both myself and my technician standing nearby did a double take and sort of giggled because our minds immediately seized up at the thought of this very polite Jabba-the-hut type man using the X for any type of fun in the sack. We politely told him that that substance was illegal to possess and sell, so we wouldn't have any here at the store.

Now it was his turn to do a double-take. He explained that he must have been mumbling or we didn't hear him right--he was looking for the 'exter-C' which I decided must have been his pronunciation of 'Esther-C' which I promptly walked out and found for him on the shelf. He then motored away still belly laughing all the way. Wow.

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